The love birds are capturing Bollywood weekend after weekend. After Bebo’s release last week, Nawab Saif Ali Khan’ s Bullet Raja hits the box office this weekend with the Dabangg lady, Sonakshi Sinha. Nashikites will have a special connection with this movie as majority of the scenes of ‘Bullet Raja’ are shot in Nashik. We had already acknowledged Saif Ali Khan visits Nashik for his upcoming movie ‘Bullet Raja’ and today this movie hits the box office. Director Tigmanshu Dhulia is known to be very selective in terms of characters and scripts. The cast also includes Jimmy Shergill, Vidyut Jamwal, Gulshan Grover and Ravi Kissen. Unlike his last movies (Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster, Paan Singh Tomar, Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster Returns), Bullet Raja is an action flick with few other spices like love and entertainment.
An ordinary, unemployed Brahmin man-Raja Mishra (Saif) who shares a very close and deep bond with his best friend, Rudra Pratap (Jimmy). Both are ordinary living citizens who become victims of the system leading to changes in their life. From a common ordinary man they are turned into gangsters who once obeyed the laws and systems, backfires a war on them.
The twists and the turns attract your interest as to what’s next in the movie and you also get good ‘LOL’ types entertainment with action delivered by the stars. Raja falls in love with a Bengali girl, Mitali (Sonakshi) and shares this with his buddy saying, he never felt this before and his heart beats in different way for this 156th girl. Friendship, love and loyalty is redefined and the actor gives his 100%. He loses his dear friend and you would hear a revenge full dialogue, “Bhai mara hai hamara, badla lena parampara hai. Koi corporate culture nahin hai ki agli deal mein adjust kar lenge.”
The acting efforts are best put forth by all the characters. It is observed that this is a never seen before avatar of the Nawab. The songs of the movie are average. The track ‘Tamanche Pe Disco’ is a lovely rhythmic track while few other composition like ‘Saamne he Savera’ which again is an average track. The track ‘Jai Govinda Jai Gopal’ is soothing to ears.
Though the marriage factor did not add charm in Bebo’s carrier but it did add to Nawab’s carrier. Bullet Raja, an action entertainer shot in Nashik is this weekend’s watch.
Here we get you a sneak peak before you get in the theaters.
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