Ram Gopal Verma gets you the sequel of his iconic hit Satya. 15 years back Satya had set fire on box office but this year Satya 2 fails badly at box office and throws all the water on the fire that was still flaming since 1998.
The movie is no where connected to its 1st part and hence it doesn’t justify the title Satya 2(sequel). The genre of the movie is related to underworld, crime and action. Starring the new faces, Puneet Singh Ratn(Satya), Anaika Soti(Chitra), Aradhna Gupta, Mahesh Thakur(Pavan Lahoti).
The main leading actor Satya does not relate single part of being Don. His physical presence could have been portrayed in a much better way, same goes with his lady love Chitra, and she lacks acting skills and even fails in the dancing part. However, the acting of the other 2 actor and actress are commendable. Mahesh, who is dressed with ample of gold, as if giving competition to Bappi Lahiri, has acted well. Aradhna has also justified her character. But for a successful film, the team job matters and so the decent duo also couldn’t save the movie.
If you try to even comfort your ears with the music of the movie, again you are wrong over here. All you hear is loud noises in the movie. The movie doesn’t even justify its genre. There’s very less action in the movie and all you feel is to escape the theaters.