It seems Nashik is becoming a hotspot location for film shootings as Nashikkites witnesses many Bollywood shootings in the City. Recently, the ‘Kolaveri Di’ and ‘Ranjhana’ fame Dhanush and famous Tamil singer and actor Venkatesh Prabhu were seen shooting in Nashik for their upcoming movie. Most of the shooting is being done at the Madhukar Film Theatre in Shendi village in Igatpuri taluka. Dhanush, popular even in Nashik, greeted many fans who crowded the sets of this untitled movie.
This film is directed by Cheeni Kum’ fame director R Balki and he moved his entire crew and set-up to Igatpuri on Monday. The theatre has been temporarily renamed ‘Paradise Theatre’ for the film. Among many scenes shot here, one can gauge background of the story. According to the scenes, Dhanush, in his early days, visits the theatre as a cinema fan and then returns to the same place after a decade as a superstar.
Madhukar theatre was renovated by the film-makers for the shoot. Single screen theatres are in bad shape today but Nashikites rushed to the theatre only to catch a glimpse of the actor and witness the shooting. All shows were cancelled for the film’s shoot for the day.
It feels great that Nashik is becoming a location where the film directors decides to shoot the scenes of their film. Up till now Nashik has witnessed many bollywood shootings in the city and Nashik would hope to see more and more film shootings in the city as it shows the signs of Nashik improving as a film city.