Free seminar for sportsmen, coaches and budding athletes in the city on Sunday

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0 (p3A free unique seminar is being organised for budding athletes and sportsmen of Nashik. It will be held at Bhonsala Military School Hall, Mahatma Nagar, on Sunday, April 13 from 10 am to 2 pm.
The aim of this seminar is to show how to assess sports and game-specific fitness for performance enhancement, biomechanically evaluate athletes to help avoid injury and avoid sports injuries, its management and rehab.
Several experts in this field, eminent doctors and fitness specialists will speak and guide sportsmen at the workshop. They include Dr Anant Joshi (Sports Medicine & Arthroscopist), Dr Sanjay Vaidya (Plastic Surgeon and Podiatrician) and MD of HEAL institute Shayamal Vallabhjee.
The seminar will involve an interactive session with few demonstrations of foot biomechanics.
All elite sportsmen, coaches, trainers budding athletes and interested parents have been invited for the seminar.p3
The event is being co-ordinated by Dr Hemant Kotwal and Dr Preeti Gabale.

Some of the topics that will be covered in the seminar:
How important is video recording of athletes movements to understand biomechanical problems
When should weight-training start in growing children
How important is yoga and breathing techniques
When should core-strengthening start in children
What is difference between Aerobic / Non Aerobic
Preparations for tournaments
What are visualization techniques
What is simulation technique
What is functional training
Energy drink

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