Times changed, from primary school where you started learning A,B,C…to secondary school where you could actually count one, two, three….and then the college where you tried to set yourself free. It all changed! It was easy then to be a part of the fancy dress where the girls played ‘The Cindrella’ and the boys, ‘Spider man’.
Later, it went on to be like politicians, actors, social activists and so on. And in the college it changed to being ghosts, monsters, twins, chocolates, traditional, Bollywood and many more. But one cannot deny the fact that the college days are the best days of one’s lives.
As we grow , we come to know that these days will never come back again. It’s something that one would want to hold very close to oneself. But we also know that nothing is static in this life. It changes, it changes for good! Life changes to take bigger steps and leave the foot prints of the little steps you once took . What we can keep with ourselves are the beautiful memories and pictures.
Here are some of the wonderful memories captured in the city by Page 3 Nashik’s lens. People , Stay childlike, Stay raw! J