Nashik goes Dhak Dhak as Madhuri Dixit visits Nashik as part of an event organised by Lokmat Sakhi Manch. She was in the city on Saturday 1st March 2014 to interact with Sakhis about her upcoming movie Gulaab Gang. The audiences at Dadasaheb Gaikwad auditorium in Bhabha Nagar were elated when the evergreen Bollywood star arrived at around 5 pm dazzling everyone with her 1000-watt smile!
Madhuri Dixit visited the city for the promotion of her film Gulab Gang an had interaction with Nashikites. The evening witnessed a number of Dance performances by various Dance institutes of Nashik that included Sachin Shinde’s dance academy (SSDA) , Shiamak Dawar Dance institutes, Samir Bal’s dance institute and many more. There was much of entertainment done by an artist who resembled to Dev Anand. He entertained the audience by playing games randomly picking up ladies from the audience to be a part of the game.
Later, ladies from the city who are the victims of mental harrassm and voilence were felicitated. The evening concluded with Grace and Madhuri Dixit’s visits Nashik left memorable remarks in the city.