Nashik city favours for Alphanso lovers

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d34786-largeEvery year, prices of Alphonso mangoes touch the sky due to heavy export demand. However, due to ban on export of these mangoes this season, the price of Alphonso have tumbled this year and start with as low as Rs 100 per dozen. Another benefit of this ban is that these mangoes are abundantly available in markets all over the city and has become a reason for feast for all Alphonso lovers.
Like grapes, mangoes too are exported in large quantities to European countries. Due to this, the quality of Alphonso’s which are sold in national markets is inferior to the export quality. Thus, every year Alphonso mangoes of lower quality are distributed in local markets at higher prices.
However, this year the export of Indian Alphonso has been stalled due to issues like storage, pesticide and flies in the crates. Devgad and Ratnagiri are the major producers of Alphonso mangoes in India. Mangoes produced here have great demand all over the world as the taste of these mangoes is also extraordinary.
Thus vendors are speculating that due to the ban on these mangoes, Alphonso of rich and export quality will be sold in the Indian market this year, that too, at lower prices. 

low-yield-to-hit-mango-prices-this-year_140613122656 Mangoes from Rs 40 per dozen
 Various types of mangoes like Alphonso, Badam, Kesar,  Payri and desi are available in the market. Lalbaugh’s  mangoes start at Rs 40 per dozen and Alphonso are sold  in wholesale market at the rate of Rs 120 per dozen. Local  vendors are saying that the real feast of mangoes starts  after Akshaytrutiya and if the issue of export is not  resolved, good quality mangoes will be available in the  market in the city at lower prices.

 Mangoes from Chennai and Kerala
Even if various places are known for their mango production, this year mangoes from states like Chennai, Tamil Nadu and Kerala are also available in the market. These mangoes too have received a warm welcome by all Nashikities.

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