Aadhar card which serves as a proof of identity and address anywhere in India was allotted by the district administration to 2 schools in Nashik. Six kits have been issued on Monday exclusively for school children. Each Aadhar number is unique to an individual and has lifetime validity.
The administration issued 6 kits – 3 each in K N Kela High School and St. Xavier’s High School. Nilesh Jadhav, deputy collector, general administration said, “Every student will get the Adhar number and the parents should not worry about it. We appeal to the parents to wait till the required time – five to seven months – till their wards get the numbers; the administration has now decided to install Aadhar kits in city schools. The process of obtaining Aadhar cards for children will now be carried out inside the schools itself.”
The above stated project is restricted to only school children and no other individual. As the number of students in school is huge and there are only 3 kits in each school, there will be a long wait to get the aadhar numbers. To this Jadhav quotes, “It could be months before all schoolchildren get their Aadhar card requests processed. There is no need to rush to centers. Besides, we are also asking the education department to make sure that no school sets any kind of deadline for getting Aadhar numbers for the students.”
As Aadhar number provides access to services like banking, mobile phone connections and other government and Non-government services in due course it is one of the must have documents to posses. Of the total city population of 14.86 lakh, the Aadhar card has already been completed by 10.35 lakh citizens. The further procedure will be taken care of soon reveals one of the NMC officials.
As told by Jadhav, the administration is further issuing a tender of 75 more kits. “Of these 75 kits, the administration is willing to give at least 12 kits to Nashik city which will aid in increasing the speed of processing Aadhar requests, but it will take some time.