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The Nashik district administration in a recent discussion announced that they will be disconnecting the cable feed to homes as to pressurize the local cable operators (LCOs) and Multi system operators (MSOs) to recover the pending dues.

To this Nashik’s collector Vilas Patil said, “If the MSOs and LCOs fail to clear their outstanding dues with respect to their existing number of customers, we will discontinue the feed to the areas of respective operators. This will result in loss of transmission to the cable television customers.”


Sources reveal that the operators have not cleared the amount which was collected at the rate of Rs. 45 per customers over a period of 5 months. The total number of customers being 1.78 lakh, hence the accumulated amount which was supposed to be released at the end of the August was Rs. 4 Crore. The administrators have ordered the LCOs and MSOs on Tuesday to discharge the total outstanding amount by Friday, 6th September, 2013.

Mr. Patil furiously added that, “Since the revenue is yet to come to the administration, we can seal the premises and stop the feed. This will raise awareness among customers about questioning their operators about the government’s dues and why that has been deposited with the government.”

The negligent payers have created a fuss due to the non-payment of the heavy outstanding dues to the concerned authorities. This will hamper the cable users of the city. The administration expects to solve the issue at the earnest. Warning have already been sent and processed however the response is awaited from the operator’s end.

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