We have seen this in movies of Bollywood, But it sad that it happen in real life too. In a complaint lodged at the Indiranagar police station on Thursday, the woman stated that the suspect had physical relations with her for the past three years on the pretext of marrying
In a complaint lodged at the Indiranagar police station on Thursday, the 24 year old woman stated that the suspect had physical relations with her for the past three years on the pretext of marrying to her. The complainant also said that the suspect had compelled her to abort
The complainant also said that the suspect had compelled her to abort pregnancy and was threatening her if she spoke about their relationship to anyone else.
After the complaint was lodged, police had gone to the suspect’s residence but he had left the house by then. The suspect is getting married with another girl soon, police said.
Police officials said that the complainant was a distant relative of the suspect and the latter had forced her into physical relation at different hotels in Nashik and Mumbai. Police said that they have booked the suspect under Section 376(1) for rape and other sections of the Indian Penal Code.
The Indirangar police have booked the son of a former corporator of Nashik Municipal Corporation for allegedly raping a 24-year-old woman. Police have launched a hunt to trace the 30-year-old suspect, who is absconding.