This Ganesh festival, Icchamani group of Nashik prepared a Maha Modak weighing 3151 kgs on Tuesday, 17th September, 2013. The modak was prepared by the chefs of Icchamani caterers and was offered at the Siddhi Vinayak Chandi Ganpati at Ravivar Karanja, Nashik.
The Icchamani group broke its own record of last year where they had prepared a Maha Modak weighing 1251 kgs. It was a great hit last year and was a delight to witness double the enthusiasm this year as well.
The mirwanuk (procession) began from Icchamani office followed by Gangapur road and the adjoining areas. The mirwanuk reached Ashok Stambh where the Ravivar Karanja Mitra Mandal joined the massive and zealous procession. The crowd screamed and chanted Ganesh shloks and offered all that they could to make lord Ganesha content. There were bands playing the local music while people sang and danced on the powerful beats.
The procession reached its desired destination, Siddhi Vinayak Chandi Ganpati at Ravivar Karanja, in the evening around 6.30 pm and presented the Maha Modak to the deity. It was indeed a great offering to the lord as Modak is its most preferred delicacy and what better than this gigantic one.
More than 5000 people were present at the event to witness the Maha Modak. All eyes were stuck when the gigantic delicacy was revealed. The prayer ceremony (aarti) began wherein the commissioner of Nashik took part. There was adequate security to control the crowd and everything was skillfully managed.
Like they say, “All is well that ends well”, the event was a gigantic success and each one present there left with blessings showered by Lord Ganesha.