Drugs might give you good pleasure but not a good life! The very famous quote says, ‘Health is Wealth’ but people take it for granted. You are known by your assets and wealth stands first among all the assets. Taking the health and safety of public at large the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is aggressively working on a drive against gutka in the Nashik division. The committee declared the launch of the drive on Wednesday, 24th July 2013 and has also issued a public appeal to citizens for any information related to gutka to be reported with the concerned authorities.
The joint director of Nashik division (FDA), Mr. Chandrakant Pawar announced that, “The gutka ban has been extended by one more year from July 20. We will soon launch a drive against gutka across the division. The legal action is to be taken against those who are found manufacturing, selling, transporting or storing gutka.”
Similar steps have been taken in the past as well but have not really succeeded as the channel is widespread. Prior to this the State Government had banned gutka on 19th July 2012 for a year. The count shows 570 shops being assaulted and sachets of Rs. 3 crore grabbed in Nashik division including Jalgaon, Dhule, Nandurbar and Ahmednagar districts. 130 cases were filed in connection with gutka.
The ban on manufacture, sale, transport and storage of gutka has been extended by the State government for one more year and is in action from 20th July 2013. Also a support number has been released by the FDA (0253-2351204), for receiving better assistance from the public.
This initiative is for the amelioration of the citizens of Nashik and to make it a effectively successful the state government is taking needy steps. Complete cooperation is expected from the localities and other authorities.