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The Airports Authority of India (AAI) will conduct a survey on air traffic possibility at Ozar to get sufficient parking space near to economic capital- Mumbai. This was decided in a meeting held at chief secretary (aviation), P S Meena’s office, where the AAI officials shared their opinions and agreed on a common decision to conduct this survey. The survey will be conducted between the areas from Mumbai to Nashik and from Nashik to other areas.

The airport terminal in Nashik is expected to start by December 2014. This factor added to the thinking of Aviation companies to consider Nashik as an alternate space parking. Ozar is 20 km away from Nashik and already the night landing facility is available at Ozar airport.

MUMBAI_AIRPORT-1_640180fAfter the meeting held on Monday, the district collector, Vilas Patil said, “The basic factors working for the aviation industry at Nashik is the huge parking space available at Nashik and consider for lay-overs of flight. More than 4,000 acres of open space is available in Nashik, enough to construct more hangers. Above all, the four percent tax on ATF – as against 25 percent tax in Mumbai – and the proximity of the city to Mumbai, with 165km of aerial distance between the two cities, works in Nashik’s favour.”

The positive outcome of this survey could be that AAI and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) who own the airport may come into an agreement which will operate flights in sharing the facilities.

Patil also added, “This will be helpful for citizens who wish to travel between Mumbai and Nashik, since aviation companies will also be willing to fly the planes at cheaper rates to compensate for their travel between the two cities. However, this is yet to be decided upon and the decision rests with the aviation companies.”

With the successful ratio of the survey Nashik would become a better layover destination for the tourist and others.

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