They say charity begins at home an these city boys proven it. It is easier to crib and complain about how dirty our country is and how filthy the streets are.A lot of people come strutting in their branded clothes alighting their even bigger and expensive cars only to be seen littering around.
On the other spectrum there are men who pull of their socks, push up their sleeves and pick-up weapons to make things better and the world a better place to live in.
Let us pose you a question. Did you engage in Diwali Cleaning this Diwali 2014? The answer is obvious. Yes! we all scrubed our homes clean. We de-cluttered both physically and emotionally. But after the ritual of bursting fire-crackers how many of us went on to clean our streets that were stained with the results of our entertainment? we all know the answer and the ridden guilt inside.
Page3 Nashik found these boys at Nashik Road who were cleaning up the streets that were full of garbage and waste of burnt fire-crackers. Like Mahatma Gandhi says, “Be the change you want to see in the rest of the world.” Indeed, we take a break