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gpsgarbagexThe Nashik Municipal Corporation had instructed all the garbage collection contractors to install Global Positioning System (GPS) in all the vans in Nashik. In the beginning of the year, only 60 Garbage vans had the GPS installed in them; and since last year, the coporators had been raising this issue at their respective divisional meetings.

Taking the total number of garbage vans with the navigation system to 120, sixty more ghantagadis (garbage vans) have been installed with GPS, the remaining 50 Ghantagadis too are expected to get the GPS installed by next month. With the GPS in place, the movement of vans can be recorded and their locations will be identified.

GPSA special unit in its headquarters to monitor the movement of the garbage vans will also be installed by the civic administration. This central unit will become operational only after all the garbage vans have the GPS installed and properly functioning. The Garbage collection will be then supervised sitting at one place. Moreover, the problems would be identified and rectified easily. Due to GPS in garbage vans, not only the garbage collection system’s efficiency will increase but also transparency will be maintained in Nashik District.

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