Shoes & Socks worth Rs. 2 crore for school children, plans NMC

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Thai schoolgirl's shoeAs we have seen the previous efforts of NMC contributing for literacy program for women and distribution of 500 cycles to girl students, this time NMC has gone one step ahead. According to sources socks and shoes worth Rs.2 crore are to be distributed to as many as 127 NMC educational institutions in the coming academic year.

Unlike last year when NMC planned to offer uniforms to school kids but due to the unplanned resources and distribution the project did not take off well. Considering the last year hassles, NMC officials are planning everything in advance. To this one of the NMC official said, “We decided to plan everything in advance for this year. Each student from standards I to VII will be given two pairs of shoes and socks, respectively,” said an NMC official.

For the above stated project NMC has invited tenders from private companies. Both shoes and socks are to be outsourced from private companies. NMC is also planning to sort out last year’s uniform distribution project. This also has been further sent to Municipal Commissioner and once the approval is made the tenders will be invited.

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