7 reasons why Nashik is Losing the Flavour of Diwali

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Diwali!! The word itself reminds us of lights, joy, happiness, brightness and everything positive that comes to ones mind. But one thing that we all must have noticed is the fact that people today are not celebrating the festival with all that enthusiasm and zest as they did a few years back. Though the festival is right here we still feel that its not celebrated the way it used to be. However, in all the excitement and frolic we tend to overlook some of the most cherished traditions that this divine festival has to offer. In this festive spirit we’ve outlined and listed some such traditions that are unfortunately getting lost in the celebrations. Take a look at what Diwali looks like in Nashik.

1. What used to be a 5 day festival now only lasts a day or two:

This is very true that this festive season lasts for days straight. But Diwali its onlys lasts for a day or two.People are so much involved in their work or lives that they nowadays have nothing to do but just to take a holiday and celebrate the festival for the sake of doing it.

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Diwali! A two day celebration??

2. Buying new clothes for Diwali isn’t so important anymore:

This is the main factor which makes this festival more attractive. Earlier, buying clothes for Diwali was supposed to be a sign of great happiness and joy but nowadays, we are so used to the offbeat yearly discounts in shopping malls and online sales on shopping websites that the novelty of shopping with the family is getting lost this Diwali 2014.

3. People greet each other over a phone call, text message and skype rather than greeting personally:
Although mobile phones have made the world a much smaller place, they have also made us lazy and impatient. People now prefer sending a lousy text messages over a post card or a letter. People are just you can “Obsessed” with all the gadgets and electronics that they hardly visit and greet each other and just message or call each other on a festive season.

The crazy world of social media

The crazy world of social media

4. Home-made Laddo’s are now replaced by ready-made sweets:

Earlier, there was a regular scenario in each and every house that our Grandmothers and our mothers used to gather us for making laddo’s , mithaai’s and other household items but we hardly see people making or celebrating these types of things, this is the main thing that really is missing nowadays.


Homemade mithais are being missed.

5. Diya’s are now replaced by fancy LED lights:

Festival of lights they say; so here we are using technology to the fullest. We buy things we don’t need with the money we don’t have to impress the people we don’t like.


LED lights VS Diyas

6. People are losing their tryst with the age old traditions that signify the true spirit of Diwali:
Cleaning and painting the house isn’t so common any more.
People are just being more “modern” or just accepting the “westen culture” too much that they are losing their and are running away from their cultures and traditions.


Celebrate Diwali with your loved ones

7. The joy of spending time and sharing happiness with family during festivals is very rare these days due to our busy schedules:

The joy and happiness is not seen any more nowadays. People are celebrating it for the sake of doing it. Some offices are also working at the time of Diwali. So, just the festival comes and goes, nothing more and interesting happens.

We just want to say that Diwali is not only a festival but it is a Festival of  lights and joys. Just take a leave from the office if you’re not having one.

diwali pic

Happy Diwali

Sit with your elders and loved ones and celebrate this festival.
Burst some crackers with you children.
Help you mother or your family member in the household chores.
We just want to convey this message that keep your priorities aside for a day or so and enjoy and live these moments of happiness with your loved ones so that you won’t regret for your coming days of your life when you will miss all this!

Here’s Wishing you all from Behalf of all the Team of Page3Nashik , A Happy and prosperous Diwali.

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