Piyush Kasliwal, a young and a fresh face residing in Nashik used to travel a lot for his earlier business between Bangalore and Hyderabad by train. During the long journeys he encountered his fair share of
problems with the quality of food served on trains. This is especially true if one is travelling with kids/
elders with diet restrictions. So there was a spark and that’s where MeraFoodChoice was born.
The mission of MFC is to provide great quality local vegetarian food to travellers achieving defined
profit margin , great work place for them and good returns for their stake holders.
They also want to bring the diversity in Indian cuisine to travellers. And this is exactly what distinguishes
MFC from others. They go to great lengths to ensure that the best quality and value local meal is served
to the customers, so be it Varanasi or Vijayawada, if you order the food through MFC you are getting a
good veg meal of your choice.
Reach and where MFC stands today MFC covers around 75 stations with more than 100 vendors/restaurants and growing at high speed. It is ensured that the restaurant has good reputation and is local favorite. MFC also believes vegetarian food is good during travel, it’s comparatively easy to digest, less chance of food getting spoiled, and is not objectionable to fellow travellers in train. Indian non-vegetarians will surely understand this and sure want to try a tasty veg meal when travelling by rail.
Considering the short time since launch, MFC is getting good response with 300 unique visitors on the website (http://www.merafoodchoice.com/) every day and food served to 100 people on an average every day with just little or no marketing. More than 80% are repeat customers.
Short term plan Piyush thinks that they have a solid foundation with good strong restaurant relationships who work with them very closely using their proprietary software to track orders and trains. Moreover they intend to serve 1000 happy customers per day in 6 months.
Page 3 Nashik is glad to honor Piyush Kasliwal as the rising star of the city. On behalf of everybody, we appreciate you and your team’s efforts. Wishing you luck for Mera food choice.